Backed by overwhelming evidence of its sustainability in the power generation and heat transfer markets, SEA-CURE® is one the most sought-after products for reliability in less than desirable conditions. SEA-CURE® is designed with unique properties, enabling it to withstand harsher operating environments with minimal issues. Its specific composition reduces overall cost and mechanical failures over the long-term life of the product.
- Lowest life cycle cost
- Superior corrosion resistance
- World-class technical assistance through the Webco TechCenter™
- Better mechanicals for retube applications
SEA-CURE® has proven its sustainability over 30 years of commercial success. When available as a choice, it outsells other super-ferritic alloys 4 to 1.
- Optimal product for condensers and evaporators in the power generation and heat transfer markets
- SEA-CURE® has an extended product life, making it a cost-effective alloy in high chloride applications where the potential for microbiological-influenced corrosion exists
- Ideal for applications using seawater and polluted waters where MIC is present
- Versatility with applications in multiple industries including oil & gas production, petrochemical, and water
- Stellar corrosion resistance providing extended sustainability
- Unlike titanium, SEA-CURE® offers reversible hydrogen embrittlement if exposed to hydrogen
- High steam and water droplet erosion resistance
- Over 145 million feet sold worldwide to date
- Chosen by the American Department of Energy for its Strategic Petroleum Reserve crude coolers
SEA-CURE® is a registered trademark of Webco.
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Chemical Composition
Chemical composition (nominal) %
25.0 - 28.03.0 - 4.01.0 - 3.5≤ 1.00 max≤ 1.00 max≤ 0.030 max≤ 0.040 max≤ 0.040 max≤ 0.030 max0.020 - 1.00Balance